Calorifier Technical Specifications
Working Pressure
Standard models up to 2.5 bar (2.5kg/cm sq, 36 p.s.i.)
Test Pressure
1.5 x maximum working pressure
Temperature/Pressure relief valve
Supplied with all C-Warm heaters.
Standard pressure: Set to lift at 2.5 bar or 90 deg C.
High Pressure:Set to lift at 3.5 bar or 90 deg C.
Non adjustable
BS6283 part 3
The temperature/pressure relief valve must be fitted to the heater before it is put into service. Failure to fit the relief valve will invalidate the C-Warm warranty.
Working Temperature
The recommended maximum continuous stored water temperature is 90 deg C which cannot be exceeded when the temperature/pressure relief valve is fitted.
The temperature of hot water available from hot taps should not be allowed to exceed 65 deg C.
Heating Time
Indirect Cooled Engine:
15-25 minutes to heat a full tank from 15 to 55 deg C, depending on engine cooling water temperature and circulation rate. For twin coil models, either coil alone will give a similar heating rate. Both coils in use at once will heat the water faster.
Direct Cooled Engine:
Heating time variable and stored water temperature variable, depending on engine cooling water temperature.